
I’ll Have A Cappuccino Please

Available on Amazon.

Drawings and a prose poem from the 1980s made at the Cornelia Street Cafe in the West Village, NYC.  

”All things change.

And to appreciate what was from this moment now is to appreciate this moment now for what it is, as it is, in itself, present.”

Includes commentary on how drawings were made.

The Petroglyph Coloring Book

Available on Amazon

The coloring book contains simple line drawings of ancient petroglyphs for children and adults to color. Contains instructions for coloring techniques along with examples of how to color.

A San Francisco Coloring Book

The images in this book are experimental graphics which the artist uses as the start for paintings. Some of them were created digitally on the iPad, some were generated by the computer using graphics programs and some of them are actual pencil drawings on paper. Photographs of the various sites around San Francisco where the artist paints are included for each drawing along with a map at the beginning of the book. Coloring-in is restful and meditative. The artist hopes you will enjoy working with a new kind of image for coloring.

Available on Amazon

Grandma Amanda

Available on Amazon

“Magnificent illustrations.” Grandma Amanda lives in Namibia. Many years ago she started a school for the children in her village where she teaches them the basics of reading and writing and community responsibility. Besides taking care of the children and school, Grandma Amanda spends a lot of time out in the bush collecting herbs and helping injured animals. This is the story of how one day while out gathering herbs Grandma Amanda got the scores on her face and, an earlier story of how she made friends with the elephants.

Mother Mary. Painting as Prayer

Available on Amazon

An artist’s book relating some of the inner processes of mind and heart that go in to making a painting. The book contains some mysticism and strange tales of the impact of higher consciousness when it is brought to play in the making of art.